All-in-one Vital Signs Simulator

Built on Datrends’ Vision-Pad Platform, vPad-A1 is the only modular Vital Signs Simulator currently on the market.
The vPad-A1, based on Datrend’s revolutionary Vision-Pad TechnologyTM, is an all-in-one patient simulation system. vPad-A1 is modular and is comprised of a Multi-Parameter Patient Simulator, SpO2 test module, and a Non-Invasive Blood Pressure simulation module which may be used together or independently in various combinations, with an Android handheld device or vPad tablet providing the user interface.
Comprising of 3 modules — vPad-PS (a Multi-Parameter Patient Simulator), vPad-O2 (a Pulse Oximeter Tester), and vPad-BP (a Non‐Invasive Blood Pressure Simulator) — the modules can be used together, independently, or in various combinations. Integrated user customizable SpO2 R-Curves and NIBP envelopes are a first in our industry.
- 12 lead ECG simulation; independent outputs for each signal lead
- ST Segments: 8 elevated and 8 depressed
- Axis Deviation: Normal (intermediate), horizontal, and vertical.
- Neonatal Mode
- ECG Performance Testing
- Over 60 Arrhythmia selections
- 2 channel invasive BP simulation
- Temperature and Respiration Simulations
- Pacer simulations
- Cardiac output*
- SpO2 Pulse Oximeter Tester and Non-Invasive BP modules are compatible with all major industry manufacturers
- Auto Settings
- Auto Sequences
- Test reports
*adapter optional